by Robbie Bright-Poole | Jul 16, 2012 | Sales Training
Are you under the mistaken impression that everyone can afford hearing aids, they just choose not to buy them? The following was taken directly from an online blog. “Well I don’t have good news to report, …30 mins ago or so I found out we’d been declined...
by Robbie Bright-Poole | Jun 18, 2012 | Sales Training
You know your practice will get this question at least once a week, if not once a day. Does your staff know how to answer the question? Do you know what they’re saying? One of two things is currently happening. They are either doing a good job of answering the...
by Robbie Bright-Poole | May 28, 2012 | Sales Training
Or are you spending every visit with them telling them what they need, what they want and what they should do. If you asked you’d find out one of two things. They don’t have a clue what they want They know exactly what they want. If they don’t know what they want,...
by Robbie Bright-Poole | May 13, 2012 | Sales Training
For reasons that appear to rooted in our sub-conscious, the phrase “to sell” evokes a negative emotion. In an attempt to make it more palatable in our profession we refer to the process as “a consultation”, “an evaluation” or any number of other equally and...
by Robbie Bright-Poole | Feb 11, 2012 | Sales Training
We’re interrupting the Customer Service blogs for an important message. Buying and selling a hearing aid is an emotional experience. For every new patient with a hearing loss who walks through your door you’ll hear a few versions of the same story. I can’t hear, I...