You need to hire an audiologist. You’ve run an ad on Craigslist or Audiology Online or You’ve narrowed down your selection to a few resumes. You’re ready to wave your magic wand over the pile until the resume for the perfect person for the job rises magically to the top of the pile. Oh, wait, that isn’t how it works. You mean I have to interview them, no one told I’d be interviewing anyone when I got into this person. I have no idea where to start.
We’ve all been there; interviewing someone can be akin to having a root canal. Yes, it’s necessary, yes you know you need to do it, but who wants to? Start with a phone interview. It’s less time consuming and will enable you to contact a greater number of potential hires without requiring the same time commitment as a face-to -face interview.
To make it a bit more palatable I’ve compiled a list of 10 questions. The questions are designed to uncover any potential audiologist’s strengths, weaknesses, long-term plans and sales aptitude.
10 Phone Interview Questions for Audiologists
- Why did you get in to the field of audiology?
- What do you think is the most interesting aspect of audiology?
- What personality traits do you possess that make you feel well suited for a private practice audiology clinic?
- Our practice sells hearing aids. On a scale of 1 to 10 rate yourself as a sales person.
- Why did you give your self that rating?
- With regard to the profession of audiology what do you think is your weakest attribute?
- If you could improve one aspect of your professional skills what would you improve?
- How do you feel about participating in marketing activities that create awareness about hearing loss and the practice?
- Do you ever want to own your own practice? (If yes, what is your timeframe and where would you want the practice to be located?)
- Why should I consider you for the position?
The answers to these questions will allow you to decide if there’s any point in setting up a face-to-face interview. As you go through this list, keep in mind, with any potential hire; skills can be taught; attitude rarely changes. And one more thing to remember, human resources is all about putting the right people in the right place doing the right thing…. I know, where’s a magic wand when you need one!